
About the Library

WebVRFeatureDetector uses JavaScript-based feature tests to identify web browsers, devices, and operating systems. When no valid feature exists, it defaults back to user-agent analysis. This makes detection more robust than standard "browser-sniffing"

Test Results For Your Device

This Detector does three things:

  1. Check if browser supports features needed for WebVR.
  2. Tries to determine the specific hardware device it is running on.
  3. Optionally, cue polyfills for sequential loading

WebVR Detector is NOT a general-purpose browser or feature detector. Its goal is to find the subset of cellphones which can be used in VR headsets. It has an integration feature so that hardware-specific features needed to set up a VR display can be adapted for the device.

To see how to load polyfills and VR worlds, check the example.